Saturday, 13 July 2013

Flower Girl Accessories for my Daughter

Hey everyone!!! I know I've been MIA for a I've been busy preparing for the birth of my son (3 weeks till due date!!!). I'm excited to share a few items I've been working on for my daughter. She will be the flower girl at my brother-in-law's weeding next weekend.
First, I altered a plain aluminum/metal pail to look rustic/shabby chic (to go with the wedding theme). The wedding colors are sage green and ivory.
Then, I created a shabby chic headband and added handmade flowers to some super cute sandals. I can't wait to see my daughter all dressed up!!!
Thanks for stopping by!!! Miss you all :-)



  1. They are beautiful!!! You are truly talented. I can't wait to do a pail like that. Good luck with the baby and the toddler at the same time. I can't wait to see more when you are up to it.

  2. I hope you enjoyed the wedding, your daughter must have been the belle of the wedding in such a beautiful outfit.

  3. This is amazing and i must appreciate your work the kind of talent you are having in yourself its undoubtedly appreciable.Its all about how creative your thing is if its done in the right way like designer accessories then it can come on to the professional level.

  4. Thanks for sharing such a great idea. I am in search of delightful venues in Atlanta to celebrate my mom’s fiftieth birthday. She has been with me all my life, supported me and now want to tell her know how special she is for me. Hoping to have a grand party!

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